Friday, December 12, 2014

Monake Vape

It's been a while since I've updated this site, but for good reason.

I would like to introduce: Monake Vape.

Screen shot of

I have been working on designs for personal vaporizers. Unfortunately, I cannot share the designs as they are now products that my partners and I are selling.

The first product for sale is the Calvert Mod which features a clean, simple design. The next two pictures show the Omni-directional firing switch and a M20x1 hybrid style top cap.

Calvert Mod featuring the Omni-directional firing switch.
Hybrid-style top cap with M20x1 threading.
For more information and updates you can follow us on:

Facebook: Monake Vape
Instagram: @monakevape

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Hearts Ring

3D printed and cast by Shapeways in polished silver.

When distilling, there are three distinct products; the heads, hearts, and tails. This ring was inspired by a love for distilled alcohol and cocktails. It was designed with a combination of Autodesk Inventor and 123D Design, and 3D printed and cast by Shapeways.

123D Design screen capture.
If you are interested in purchasing this ring, I am selling them through Shapeways in silver and brass.